Friday 1 April 2011

April 1st 2011

It's easy enough to be pleasant when everything goes like a song, but the man who is worthwhile, is the man who can smile when everything goes dead wrong.

That’s the first quarter of the year gone already, and don’t forget it’s April 1st so don’t get fooled ;D

This week I’ve talked about being nice to yourself and loving what is, that doesn’t mean accepting that you’re going to stay this way forever. It’s important to enjoy the journey and to realise that losing weight doesn’t make your world a better place it doesn’t suddenly fix everything that’s not right in your life. Being slim won’t necessarily make you happy, if you don’t love yourself for who you are, you're probably not going to like yourself any more once you're slimmer. And looking in the mirror and hating what you see and trying to use that to motivate you to lose weight, it isn’t going to work.

Even if you want to lose weight you can start by looking at your body in a different way, by appreciating it not only for how it looks, but also for what it does. Without your body, you wouldn't be able to do a fat lot of anything! It’s your body that carries you around, that enables you to walk to the supermarket to fill your trolley full of lovely, healthy foods to take care of it. The brilliant thing about eating for health, eating to take care of yourself is that the side effect is usually weight loss!

You also could try focusing on what you do like about yourself rather than what you don’t like, all of us have things that are beautiful about ourselves (lovely eyes, clear skin, glossy hair) and if you start paying more attention to them, rather than to your fat thighs or big bum, you're going to feel a whole heap better. I’m told I’ve got a great smile, and I’ve got that whatever size the scales say, at least until my teeth start falling out anyway ;D

Having said all this, losing weight can make you feel fabulous because of the health benefits, it is nice to go and buy a pair of jeans that fit well. Why not go make yourself a cuppa and sit down with a pen and paper and write down all the reasons how losing weight will benefit you, for me I know it helps ease my back, knee and foot pain, for you it may be the skinny jeans, or being able to wear a particular outfit for a wedding. All reasons are good reasons xx

Then use that as your motivation, use that as the reason you get to my meeting every week and stay on track. Use that as the reason you forgive yourself and move on when you’ve had a bad day or week.

I’m going to use my reasons to go shopping today and buy healthy food as I’ve had a week of eating on the hop and not putting much thought into it and I’ve had heartburn more times this week than I have the rest of the year, so I’m now craving salad leaves! I’m also going to use it as motivation to go and throw the remaining sausage rolls that are in the fridge out, the dog can have the sausage bit, the birds can have the pastry, because I’m ready to rock and roll and get back in the zone.

I love eating delicious food, not fast food and sandwiches, for me eating healthy means eating really tasty food that I enjoy, rather than the foods I think I should eat, or the ones with “Low fat” etc written on them. The beauty of losing weight is because you are going to be eating less you can afford better quality food that may be a little more expensive.

So today, I’m going to treat myself to a trip to Waitrose because if you were in my meeting you’ll remember I suggested we reward ourselves for being us, not just for losing weight, because we’re all already gorgeous and amazing xx

Have a fabulous Friday.

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