Tuesday 8 March 2011

8th March 2011

Nature or Nurture – whichever way, the parents are to blame

Happy Pancake Day, so are you a fan, I’m not, I’ll be having a curry for my tea ;-) although when we were talking about then last night I did like the idea of a blue cheese and spinach stuffed one, maybe add a few mushrooms or a slice of honey roast ham, as you’ve guessed I’m not such a huge fan of typical lemon and sugar pancakes, probably because mom wasn’t brilliant at making them! How many ProPoints are they going to cost you, last weeks YOUR WEEK has a few recipes in and I still have a few left if you’re getting weighed today so pick on up. Here’s a recipe for a Basic Pancake Batter

2 ProPoints values per pancake, including the oil for cooking

5 minutes to prepare
30 minutes to cook
Makes 12 pancakes

Sift 125g plain flour and a pinch of salt into a bowl. Slowly whisk in 1 egg and 300ml skimmed milk until smooth. Heat an 18cm (7in) frying pan over a high heat. Add 1 tbsp sunflower oil and swirl to coat. Tip the oil into a heatproof container. Ladle 3 tbsp of the batter into the pan, swirling it round to coat the base. Cook for 1-2 minutes, until the underside is golden. Loosen the edges with a palette knife and flip over. Cook the second side until golden.

Remove from the pan, cover and keep warm in a low oven. Repeat with the remaining oil and batter, separating each cooked pancake with baking paper.

Weight Watchers monthly pass holders can get lots more ideas on esource too.

Well it looks like I’m a Weight Watcher yo-yo at the moment, I put back on the 3lb I lost last week! I’m not surprised I didn’t track all weekend and ate things I wouldn’t normally have, I believe that 3lb will be gone by next weigh-in day as it’s not real ‘fat’ it’s just the bloatyness of all the different food I’ve been eating – I hope so anyway!

I’m going back to that happiness book by Francois Lelord that I mentioned, which I recommend you read, in it the professor has three things to think about to determine happiness, why am I talking about happiness when you’re interested in weight loss? Because the two go hand in hand, if you’re happy you eat better, if you’re unhappy everything is difficult. So here are those three thoughts;

Thought 1
Think about the life you have and the life you wish you had.

Thought 2
Think about your life as it is now and the best period of your life in the past.

Thought 3
Think about the difference between what you have and what others have.

Are you feeling good about your thoughts or would you like your present life to be different? If you feel good – great, if you don’t what could you do to make some changes? Change can seem impossible or even terrifying or at least very difficult, but from personal experience once you get over the fear – change can be fabulous. When I changed my life by walking away from my last job which paid really, really fabulous money and included a car allowance I hadn’t even got a full time job to go to, just 3 Weight Watcher meetings a week to live off, but I did have my sanity, and guess what, that’s worth so much more and not being able to afford to eat much more than beans on toast did my weight the world of good.

So here’s to a day of deciding you are going to be happy from now on, no matter how difficult that may be at times xx

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