Wednesday 2 March 2011

2nd March 2011

When you were born, you were crying and everyone around you was smiling. Live your life so that when you die, you're the one smiling and everyone around you is crying.

Well it appears technology isn’t on my side at the moment, all my mobile numbers were deleted off the online package I use and now facebook aren’t delivering my daily emails to my members. So if you are reading this YAY, can you and let any of your mates who are members know that to get a copy of my daily email direct to your email inbox, you need to send me an email to and write 'daily email' in subject heading, then I’ll add you to the list. One good thing about spending my afternoon, re-typing mobile phone contacts into a database and creating a new email on is I forget about eating and my day goes super fast ;0)

I’m still making midday hour my hour to cook me at least one delicious meal a day, no matter what’s on my to do list, it goes on hold until I’ve cooked and eaten. Yesterday I made the nicest corned beef and sweetcorn hash even though I was super busy, I’m finding it a great stress reliever too. Photo and recipe available here;

Michael, one of my members from Tuesday night bought in a before photo last night and wow’d us all, he’s almost at high ten stone marker and it’s just amazing the difference in him, he’s really turned his life around. I’m so proud and all the other members were blown away. To see a photo click on the link below;

It just goes to show that no matter how hard your journey ahead seems or how much you have to lose, it can be done, and as long as you enjoy the ride, it’s so much easier to do. It’s important not to beat yourself up, or give yourself a hard time, but embrace this new way of life, don’t see it as a challenge, see it as an opportunity.

"This time, lose weight for the last time."

It takes more than a week and a Weight Watchers handbook to get you losing weight.

Weight Watchers works because of the group support, research shows that people who attend the greatest number of Weight Watchers meetings have the greatest weight loss.

The total weight lost in my meetings in Jan/Feb was 477 stone!

Make sure you’re part of our success


Have a Wonderful Wednesday

Bev xx

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