Tuesday 29 March 2011

29th March 2011

If you're not using your smile, you're like a man with a million dollars in the bank and no cheque book. Les Giblin

I have to admit it was nice driving home from my meeting last night in daylight, the sun looked amazing as I watched it go down, although that fog yesterday morning wasn’t welcomed!

This weeks meetings have started well, some great discussions yesterday morning, I didn’t want to finish off the meeting, I could have carried on chatting all day, it was all very interesting to hear what my members think and feel about losing weight.

I’ve started a tracker challenge too from now till Easter, for your chance to win a set of Weight Watchers ProPoint Kitchen Scales start filling in your tracker. Yeah if you fancy getting your hands on a set of scales for FREE, your tracker* is your ticket, for a chance to win hand your tracker in to me each week between now and Good Friday and 1 lucky member will be drawn out at random and get themselves a set of Weight Watcher ProPoints Kitchen Scales. (remember to write your name, meeting & contact telephone number on them – tracker can be printed on the computer if you’re on esourse.) *Tracker must be completed correctly with ProPoints values etc.

I thought it might encourage you all to track for a few weeks and keep you on the right path until the Easter Chocolate frenzy arrives! I know writing down what I’m eating makes me more aware of the choices I’m making as well as the ProPoint values in them.

By having it all written out in front of me there’s no way of lying to myself that I haven’t had it or I didn’t go over my ProPoints allowance. It should probably be called an honesty sheet rather than a tracker ;)
I’m still on a saving money drive in the food department and still haven’t been shopping, so I had a frozen WW ready meal last night, a curry one, it’s the first I’ve had in a very long time, found it at the back of the freezer. Oh my word I can’t believe I used to live on those, I wasn’t impressed at all, I could knock something up far nicer with not much effort! That leftover curry recipe from yesterday for example. I did enjoy the bowl of All Bran I had for my breakfast though, I’d also forgotten how quick and convenient and tasty breakfast cereal is, so I’ve got a few different cereals on top of the fridge that I can start working my way through, I buy them when they’re on offer and leave them there!

The food cupboards my next port of call, noticed yesterday I’ve got lots of microwave rice and tins of things in there I can start on, I can easily manage for a minimum of a week without shopping, if I could stand the food boredom I could probably manage a month, but I love to eat too much and I also love to cook too, although I haven’t been too fussed over that for the last week. I have 2 butternut squash in the kitchen I must do something with before they go off!

Remember you don’t have to buy special ‘diet’ food to lose weight and you are allowed to enjoy what you eat! If you fancy chocolate have it but haven’t it within your allowance, or better still have it instead of your lunch – why not! Now and again that’s just fine.

Speaking of Easter as I was earlier, the shops are full of hot cross buns, so here’s a recipes to make them even more scrumptious;

Hot cross bread and butter pudding

Serves 6, at 7pp each
6 Hot Cross Buns
6 teaspoons Low Fat Spread
50g Chocolate Chips
2 medium Eggs
1/2 pint Skimmed Milk,
1 tablespoons Sugar

Cut the hot cross buns in half, thinly spread with low fat spread and sandwich back together, put in a baking dish and sprinkle with half the chocolate chips. Beat eggs with a milk and sugar and pour over, sprinkle with remaining chocolate chips and bake at gas mark 4, 170oC for about 30-35 minutes until just set. mmm

Have a superb day xx

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