Sunday 13 March 2011

13th March 2011

Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat. F. Scott Fitzgerald
Well I had an early night because of my head cold and managed to lie in till 6ish when Alfie insisted on being walked, I managed about 40 minutes before giving in and making him come home, I’m going to rest up all day and try and shake it so I feel better for work tomorrow.

Most people spend January trying to stick to a healthy new diet regime and It usually only lasts a few weeks. We tend to think a new year is the ideal time to make changes but the perfect time to start thinking differently about what you eat and how you exercise is right now. Spring is almost here and it's the season of re-growth, it’s when the natural world begins to come alive again. The days are getting longer and warmer, we can start going outside and moving about and we tend to enjoy light food after eating stews all winter. I know looking out of the window this morning you probably don’t think that way, but trust me it’s coming soon ;)

This week I’ve eaten lamb, pork and chicken and today my sisters making me a beef dinner, and they’ve all been served with some delicious vegetables and it made me realise that sometimes meat can be given the centre stage on a plate but it’s not always the best part of the meal, so this coming week I’m going to try and make some tasty vegetarian dishes. I was a vegan for about 8 years but went back to meat eating about ten years ago, the beauty vegetarian recipes is they can be really low in ProPoints.

Because I wasn’t feeling great yesterday I watched tv and read magazines and used the time to find some delicious recipes, below is one of those veggie dishes I found that I fancy trying.

I did manage to summon up the energy to make soda bread and it was nice, I will be making it again but next time I’m going to add mixed fruit and make fruit buns rather than a loaf. Soda bread is very easy to make because you don’t have to knead it or leave it to rise. This was the recipe I used was on this site and the whole loaf worked out at 50pp

So however you feel today and whatever you have planned, enjoy your soggy Sunday x

Indian-spiced potatoes and peas

Prep time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 25 minutes
Total time: 40 minutes
Serves: 4
ProPoints: 5

500g waxy potatoes, such as charlotte
2½cm fresh root ginger, chopped
6 garlic cloves, chopped
2 tbsp sunflower oil
1 onion, roughly chopped
1 tsp turmeric
4 tomatoes, roughly chopped
1½ tsp ground cumin
½ tsp cayenne pepper
150g frozen peas
10g fresh coriander, chopped

1. Cook the unpeeled potatoes in boiling water until tender. Drain and, once cool enough to handle, cut into chunks.

2. Work the ginger and garlic to a paste in a mortar and pestle or a small food processor. Add 3 tbsp water and stir.

3. Heat 1 tbsp oil in a deep frying pan add the potatoes and onion. Cook over a medium heat for 5-6 minutes until golden, then add the turmeric and cook for another 2 minutes. Add the remaining 1 tbsp oil and the chopped tomatoes; cook for about 5 minutes until the tomatoes are soft, stirring from time to time. Stir in the garlic and ginger paste, then add the cumin and cayenne pepper; season.

4. Cook for 2 minutes, then add the peas and 150ml water. Simmer for 4–5 minutes until thickened. Stir in the coriander and serve with plain rice and low-fat plain yogurt on the side.

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