Sunday 6 February 2011

6th February 2011 facebook email

There are two choices for meals in my house take it or leave it!

Have you all taken your ‘Daily Praise Pill’ this morning, if not stop and take it now, go tell yourself how amazing brilliant and beautiful you are and come back to the email in a minute.

Butternut squash, blue cheese & pine nuts (9pp)

Cabbage with bacon, apple in balsamic vinegar (serves 4, 5pp each)

I had yet another great day yesterday, 2 hour walk with Alfie, quick trip to Sainsbury’s for a few bits I’d forgotten and some research on pizzas, then I danced and sang round the kitchen whilst cooking up something delicious, I have to say the butternut squash dish for 9pp was devine and filling and without realising yesterday ended up being a vegetarian day, I didn’t eat any meat at all all day, which really spread my ProPoints allowance I have to say and meant I could use plenty of blue cheese in the butternut squash dish. Today we’re having buttermilk chicken, which has been marinating in the fridge overnight, mmm can’t wait but 7am is a little early for it I suppose.

So yesterday we covered the Daily Praise Pill and wouldn’t it be great to keep that feeling of really loving yourself and who you are going all day long, everyday. One way to start making the permanent switchover is to evict the Diet Dragon! You know the nasty one who says means things to you if you’re having a bad day. They reckon we have over 10,000 thoughts a day, and the ones that come from that dragon who’s residing in your subconscious are more likely than not going to be negative ones. So today tune into those thoughts when you’re having them and acknowledge whether they’re coming from the diet dragon or your food fairy, you’ll easily recognise the difference, the thoughts you have that criticise your behaviour, put you down and generally mock your efforts are coming from that dragon, so instead get your food fairy to tell you how fabulous you are and sprinkle you with fairy good feelings dust! How the hell are you going to do that you ask, easy peasy, the next time you hear yourself start to say something that’s not going to make you feel fabulous nor help your weigh loss, imagine your food fairy smashing your dragon over the head with her wand (it’s a really heavy rod made of all the pounds of fat we’ve lost last month ;-) so it would definitely hurt!) Then turn that negative thought into a positive, maybe have an affirmation at the ready, such as, “I’m becoming the me I want to be” or “everyday in everyway, I’m becoming healthier and happier”. Make one up. Ok so there isn’t a REAL dragon nor FAIRY inside your head, but you know what I’m talking about and isn’t it a great image you have in your head of this big food fairy bashing your diet dragon over the head with a wand made of lard ;-) Visuals help especially as the subconscious mind is so powerful and it is so easy for it to give you the negative and you have to make the effort if you want to start being positive. Try it, what harm can it do – it’s worked for me, I love me and my body now, lumps, cellulite and all ;-)

Well it’s late for me, so I’d better get ready to walk Alfie, Sunday mornings is a mammoth walk! I’m thinking of the activity points, today completes my perfect week of tracking, and I can’t wait to start the next week, I know I’ll have a weight loss tomorrow, hope you all feel the same xx

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