Saturday 19 February 2011

19th February 2011

I’m off to London today, so I’m in a bit of a hurry as I haven’t yet packed an overnight bag, and you may not get your email tomorrow as I’ll be waking up in a Travelodge!
Yesterday I was so busy I didn’t finish my paperwork until the afternoon and forgot to eat, only had a bit of fruit all day until 6ish, I honestly hadn’t thought about food all day and didn’t feel hungry, but when I did eat, oh dear I ate too much! Letting yourself get over hungry is not a good thing ;(

I can’t believe we’re heading towards the last week in February already, so what happened to those New Year resolutions we all made. The years keep flying by and what did you accomplish last year? Did you make those little changes you kept talking about, or did you watch time slip away, all the while wishing and hoping something, somehow would change, if only...

If only you'd get up a half hour earlier, think of what could be done? A quick early morning workout perhaps or time for a real breakfast? I now get up an hour early and go for a walk each day; I credit that happen with helping me have more energy to cope with the day.

If you're like me, you start every New Year with the same hope and promise and by February you're thinking, "What happened?" This year can be different. Think, "This is a good time to start eating better, exercising more, being nicer to ... (fill in the blank).

The more you let yourself get carried away during the colder months, the more difficult it may seem be to get back on track, but you can, even if it takes you nine months like happened to me last year. Yes, last year it was September before I'd taken back off my winter weight,

and then here was a new winter looming. But take it off I did, and keep it off by not going so crazy that winter.

In other words, you may cycle from being on-track to off-track but at least you're still walking, and that's okay.

If you're accustom to eating lots of junky foods (chips, snacks) and eating on the run (eating quickly, in the car perhaps?), and you aren't consistent with exercise (it doesn't have to be a lot, but it does need to be consistent), you're going to get sluggish and tired, not feel like exercising, you'll want to snack so you'll feel better, and the cycle restarts.

This is not to discourage you but rather encourage you to see it's the small changes you make, day after day that count. Over the long haul it's by adopting a new lifestyle that you'll make the changes you want and never turn back. I ate everything I wanted this Christmas, yet I didn't put as much weight on as usual and it didn’t take me as long to get back on track, instead of 8 months, it took just January.

If you've been eating goodies for the last several weeks or months, it's now time to take stock and clean up that leftover thinking. It's not like you'll never get to eat these things again, but eating food only because you don't want to throw it away isn't wise, especially not if you want to gain better health and lose those pounds.

Some of the stuff has probably gone stale, toss it out. Let go of leftovers, be brave and get it out of the house, or at the very least out of sight (use that freezer). Later you can enjoy some for an indulgence now and then.

That's how I stop myself from gaining back all of the 50lb I lost. I indulge myself but not more often than I eat a healthy diet. I still enjoy my wine but by the glass now not the bottle!. The trick is making the plan work for you, adapting it to include the things you enjoy. Remember, this is a process, we're never finished until we're dead so don't be in any hurry to get there!
If you just can’t throw away leftovers then you need to calculate them into your ProPoints allowance. Having said that, I’ve just frozen last night’s bolognaise and can have it when I get back from London.

Have a fabulous weekend. xx

Almost forgot

Going to the gym or starting exercising can be so daunting and sometimes you need some help to get it right, so a good place to start is with one-on-one sessions, Leon has opened his own studio in Bloxwich and is offering my members an introductory offer of 10 person training sessions for £120

Here is his website

And his contact details

Unit 2 Pinfold Industrial Estate
United Kingdom
Tel: 07767 438 785

He also holds circuit training classes on Tuesdays & Thursdays 7.30pm

He’s also running Kids fitness programmes, something to do with them over the halfterm! Give him a call or drop in.

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