Saturday 8 January 2011

8th January 2011 facebook email

Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark. Professionals built the Titanic.
Mmm Saturday morning and a bit of a lie in, I love them and I think I’m going to start my day with the “All day breakfast omelette” recipe in the blue ENJOY book in your ProPoints folder, it looks delicious for 5pp and there’s even a vegetarian option.

I’m looking forward to today because me and my friends are going to book a trip to New York, it will be the first time I’ve taken a week off from being a leader (other than xmas) in six years. It’s also the first time I’ve been away with girlfriends for longer than a couple of days so it’s a good job we all really get on well. We’re not going till November but that will soon be here, believe me!

Do you reward yourself when you lose weight? I don’t mean by having something to eat, that’s part of our problem is that some of us use food as a reward when we’ve done something good, or as a comforter when we’ve had a bad day. This is okay sometimes that’s why we’ve got that weekly allowance of 49, maybe instead though you could try and find something else to serve that purpose. It doesn’t have to cost the earth, it could be something as simple as buying a copy of the Weight Watchers monthly magazine and allowing yourself some time to sit and read it! You could put a pound in a jar every time you lose a pound and treat yourself to something really nice when you’ve lost a stone, maybe something to wear, or a bit of a pamper session, a manicure or whatever floats your boat. My indulgence is massage, it also helps my bad back, and I go to the Chi Rooms at Essington where she has magic hands ;)

I also enjoy spending half hour in a lovely bubble bath, which only costs the price of the bubbles!

So what will you treat yourself to if you make it through the first weekend in 2011 and stick to the plan? The first weekend is always the hardest isn’t it, especially if you remember back to last weekend when you were overindulging on everything and anything you could find ;) I’m going to cope by making sure what I do eat is absolutely delicious, I’ve treated myself to some lamb chops (half price in co-op) and I’m going to look for a recipe to use them with. I’m really enjoying butternut squash too and that’s zero ProPoints so I can do something with that. I might make a batch of soup too, if I use the soup to fill me up, I can use my ProPoints for something scrumptious! There’s a nice recipe on page 14 of the ENJOY booklet.

The Daily Mail have got a Weight Watchers supplement starting today, looks like it’s got a weeks menu planner in there, might be worth a look.

As we’re all starting afresh this week, it might be worth measuring yourself as well as your weigh in, one of my members text me yesterday to tell me she’d got her husband to take a photo of her (front, side & back), very brave but she will be so glad she did as she loses the weight and enjoys taking more photos of her every shrinking body ;-) Different things motivate us, some people are motivated by what they no longer want to look like, some people are motivated by what they want to look like, some are a bit of both. So think about what motivates you?

These days I’m more motivated by how I feel rather than how I look, the size tag in my clothes doesn’t concern me I can cut those out! I do however want to feel good and healthy, carrying extra weight makes my back and knees worse, therefore that is my motivation, to lose weight and be in less pain.

What motivates you? Do you want to look better, feel better, fit in smaller clothes, look better for an event, or have a fitter healthy future? All reasons are good reasons; you just need to acknowledge yours.

Then this weekend when you’re tempted by something you know will take you over your allowance, remember that motivation and use it to talk yourself out of it.

Here’s to a Super Saturday for all xx

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