Saturday 29 January 2011

29th January 2011

You can only go halfway into the darkest forest, then you are coming out the other side. Chinese Proverb

After sending my daily email yesterday, I started reading through my own inbox and came across an email that suggested this website

The website challenges users to do just that. With a million things clamoring for our attention (i.e., Facebook, phone calls, IMs, text messages, etc.), this is an opportunity to pause for a hot second. And maybe even find some peace.

Says the site’s creator:

I had been thinking how we spend every waking minute of the day with access to an unlimited supply of information, to the point of information overload. I also read somewhere that there is evidence that our brains are being re-wired by the internet, because we get a little dopamine kick every time we check our e-mail or Twitter or Facebook and there’s a new update. So we’re all developing a bit of ADD – which is probably not great in terms of being productive.

Having so much to do I thought to myself, “I haven’t got time” but then realised how I’d just told everyone how I don’t have to rush on a Friday so I clicked on the link and did nothing for 2 minutes but listen to the waves on the computer.

So, give it a try. Can you do nothing for 2 minutes? It just might be the most important thing you do all day. I plan to keep it bookmarked for those days when I’m super stressed to remind me to slow down, everything can wait.

So it’s Saturday – YAY! Me and mom had a lovely short walk on Cannock Chase yesterday, you don’t have to walk miles to feel the benefit, half hour can be enough to blow away the cobwebs and by only doing half hour, mom will go again another time! Alfie on the other hand would walk for miles he’s sat by the side of me now whining and crying to go out and I’m saying, “in a minute when I’ve finished”, I’m sure he understands!

Chips from the chippy!

Now there’s a debate, after a question on my wall last night I’ve just looked it up and it all depends how big the bag is and how many you eat, in the pocket guide on page 54 it says a standard portion 210g = 14pp and a large portion 350g = 24pp, now I once weighed a standard bag of chips from over our local chippy and it weighed two and a half pound which is roughly 1,125g which is according to the above numbers a staggering 77pp! If the same bag was full of McCains oven chips they would have been 42pp. I personally only really like those orange chips and am guessing they would be even more. So I’ll stick to mashed potato I think.

The only true way you can know how much you’re eating is to weigh it. And the only 100% way to know what you’re eating is to cook it yourself from scratch. The later isn’t always what you want to do so you just have to be realistic and as accurate as possible over points.

However you’re spending your day, and whatever you decide to eat, enjoy it. I’m planning a quite one, going to walk Alfie, cook a nice meal, read my new Weight Watcher magazine and watch the TV. My idea of Heaven!


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