Tuesday 7 December 2010

7th December 2010 facebook email

Experiencing our extremes serves a purpose to help us to find balance. Satyadaya

Oh man, -11oC that’s just wrong on so many levels! I’m not loving the weather at all, please keep your eye on your elderly neighbours, I had to pick up and take home an old man who fell outside my house yesterday all because he was out posting a letter! We can all help in some way, don’t forget to feed the birds and anything else that looks hungry, remember the food freezes pretty damn quickly out there!

Anyway despite the weather, I’m excited, NO not about Christmas, about the new iphone Weight Watcher app – whoop, whoop. What can I say, I’m a gadget girl and I have an iphone so now I and anyone else who has a monthly pass can track on their phone and use it as a ProPoints calculator, weight tracker, I’m loving it. It might be just what I need to get me back into the zone; I’ve already weighed out my bran flakes and added them to my tracker ;-) and planned to have faggots and Aunt Bessies roasters for lunch, nice.

This time of the year especially you need some fuel to start you off in the morning, so make sure you eat breakfast. If you skip breakfast it's difficult to get your blood sugar, energy and hunger under control all day. Also not eating first thing means getting ambushed by hunger mid morning and you'll be more likely to succumb to crisps or biscuits! If times an issue buy some healthy snacks (Weight Watchers fruit bars are good), fresh fruit or make smoothies the night before that can be eaten on route. In coffee shops steer clear of doughnuts, pastries and full fat lattes and opt for low sugar, high fibre, high protein choices like a bagel with cream cheese or wholegrain muffin. Or keep a box of wholegrain cereal, a bowl and a spoon at work, and then you only have to pick up some milk on the way in.

Breakfast is the one meal that gets overlooked, we love food but we don’t give breakfast the respect or thought that we do others, most people tend to grab the same old thing every day, porridge or toast and yet there’s so much more that doesn’t need to take that much longer to prepare.

Here’s a few ideas;

Crumpet Breakfast = 7pp
2 Crumpets
1 teaspoons Butter
1/2 serving(s) (1/4 pint) Milk, Skimmed

Croissant Breakfast = 7pp
1 croissant(s) (medium) Croissant, Plain 6
1 teaspoons Butter 1

Strawberry Breakfast Sundae 5pp
1 tub(s) (small) Cheese, Cottage Cheese, Plain
1 pot(s) (small) Yogurt, Virtually Fat Free, Plain
1/2 teaspoons Vanilla Extract
2 teaspoons Splenda Low Calorie Sweetener Granulated
1 portion(s) (medium) Strawberries

Combine cottage cheese, yogurt, sweetener and vanilla in a small bowl. Spoon into a tall glass and top with berries. Shopping tip: Fresh berries not in season? Use frozen unsweetened berries, thawed, instead.

Turkey Rasher Breakfast 5pp
1 rasher(s) Turkey, Rasher, Raw
Egg, Poached (without fat)
1 slice(s) (medium) Bread, White, Sliced

Banana Rice Breakfast = 5pp
1/2 medium Banana
1 teaspoons Splenda Low Calorie Sweetener Granulated
1 pot(s) (small) Yogurt, Virtually Fat Free, Plain 2
1 portion(s) (small) Rice, Brown, Boiled 3

Combine banana with 1 sachet of artificial sweetener in a small bowl. Stir the other sachet of sweetener into yogurt in another small bowl. Mix rice and banana into yogurt until well-combined.

Vegetarian Sausage Breakfast = 13pp
2 slice(s) (medium) Bread, White, Sliced
2 serving(s) Spread, Low Fat
1 medium Egg, Whole
1 spray(s) Cooking Spray, Calorie Controlled
2 sausage(s) (medium) Sausage, Vegetarian
1 large Tomato
1 medium Grapefruit

Fruit Scone Breakfast = 9pp
1 scone(s) (individual) Scone, Fruit
1 teaspoons Butter
1/2 tablespoons Marmalade
1 glass(es) (small) Fruit Juice Drink, Carbonated
3 small Plums (without stone)

Spiced Banana Breakfast = 3pp
1 tub(s) (small) Cheese, Cottage Cheese, Plain
2 tablespoons Milk, Skimmed
1/4 teaspoons Vanilla Extract
1 teaspoons Artificial Sweetener
1 portion(s) (standard) Banana
1/8 teaspoons (level) Nutmeg, Ground

Combine cottage cheese, milk, artificial sweetener, nutmeg and vanilla in a blender container. Purée and spoon mixture into an attractive serving dish. Top with banana slices. Storage tip: Bananas ripening faster than you can eat them? Place them in the fridge to stop them from turning to mush. The banana peel will turn black but the fruit will stay firm.

Or if you really are a fan of Mince pies, you could always have one of those and a coffee! It’s one way of including it in your day rather than adding it as an extra!

Whatever you have, why not post it on the group or page wall to give others ideas.

It might be cold but a good brisk walk can shiver some ounces off!

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