Wednesday 22 December 2010

22nd December 2010 - facebook email

The best thing one can do when it's snowing is to let it snow!

Well we’ve had a little more of the white stuff but not as much as was threatened possible! Here’s a thought from across the globe from one of my American Weight Watchers Kath who used to come to one of my meetings, She was sat in a meeting in the states yesterday and a lady shared an interesting thought regarding our tendency to say "Oh, why bother, I've messed up, might as well keep on eating". She read somewhere - if you run through a red light, do you say, "Oh, why bother, might as well run through all of them?" Thought that was quite an approach to managing our slip-ups.

Well said I’d say! What do you think? One day does not have to become two then you won’t end up blue xx

Because I have no meetings Tomorrow, this morning I’m going to weigh from 8.30 to 11, so you can drop in on your way to work or on your way Christmas shopping ;-) It really does help having that last weigh in before Christmas just to keep your eye on it all.

It’s that time of year where getting support can be difficult as everyone’s eating, drinking and being very, very merry!

How to Overcome Lack of Support from Friends and Family

While it is easy to learn the ins and outs of how to lose weight, many of us are lacking the support of friends and family to stay the course. Joining Weight Watchers means you share your stories, triumphs, and failures with perfect strangers and new found friends. Over Christmas if you don’t let the feeling of isolation ruin all your hard work. You can overcome a lack of support and reach your weight loss goal. Make use of the group wall to help each other, we also have a group page where you can post things.

Be Your Own Best Friend

If you have esource, this can be your an accountability partner 24 hours a day. By logging your food daily, and keeping track, you are facing the consequences of what you eat and how you exercise, good or bad. While it may be hard to hear, “don’t eat that” from your husband, seeing you’ve hit your daily points allowance sends the same message without killing your mood. By teaching yourself to be completely honest, you are learning to love yourself, flaws and all. Plus, being your own best friend comes with perks. You know what you want and how to get it. So, pat yourself on the back when you get to the end of the day and you haven’t used all your ProPoints and there’s nothing else you want or need. Treat yourself to celebrate your weight loss so far, whether you choose a pedicure, or a pair of shoes, when you leave the “treats” alone, its good reason to treat yourself!

Start a Blog

You may hear words of encouragement every now and the from friends and family members but if you need a well done or a comment about your food choices more regularly, set-up a reminder to write about it. By keeping a weekly blog you are able to look back on your weight loss journey and appreciate your progress. If you can be doing with a proper blog you could blog on our facebook wall and then you’d get feedback from me and hopefully other members, would that be great to have lots of members blogging and tracking on the wall, sharing ideas and giving inspiration and motivation to each other. Plus, you give people an update on how you are doing without obligating them to respond. Your mom may forget the conversation you had yesterday (or is that just mine ;->), but you can keep your words, pictures and videos forever if you blog and they don’t cost anything. I copy all my facebook emails to mine and if you go there you can start your own blog, you don’t even have to tell anyone your doing it!

Don’t Be a Stranger

She comes to the gym or your Weight Watcher meeting at the same time you do every Wednesday. The least you could do is say hi. This stranger is not your sister, but she could become a friend. You clearly have at least one common interest. What’s wrong with sharing a kind smile and “how are you” with someone you see often? Ask about their workout or their weight loss, or share your goals if you see an opening. Either way, you have allowed yourself to practice the new, more social you that may emerge once you lose the weight.

It’s almost Christmas and that’s a time for celebration, so don’t be too disciplined, remember you’ve lost weight already so you know you can do it, enjoy the holidays and look forward to returning to your Weight Watchers plan soon after xx

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