Saturday 9 October 2010

9th October 2010 today's facebook email

Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. Theodore Roosevelt

I had a fabulous day training yesterday with Weight Watchers yesterday and all I can say is if you usually enjoy the celebrations on Bonfire night, wait until November 7th that’s when the real fireworks will start! My back felt particularly weird yesterday it felt like it was about to seize up or lock out, but instead of waiting for it to happen, I chose to ignore it and kept saying to myself, it’s fine, relax, it’ll loosen up after a bath later. It’s still not quite so good this morning but I’m sure it’ll be better after a massage later!

We’ve been doing the gratitude thing so now lets do celebrating! Why shouldn’t we celebrate every single thing at every opportunity? I know a lady who doesn’t need a reason to celebrate; every dinner is a cause to break out the best china. She paints her toenails even in the winter when they’re always covered with socks and boots! She drinks even squash from silver goblets, and she only has “best dishes” and uses them no matter how many children are running around her house. If you go round her house you soon get sucked into the “What the hell!” mentality she has and end up drinking wine at 10am in the morning! I love her attitude, “create feasts, make noises, and celebrate every little thing”

Why not give yourself the chance to celebrate the sheer fact of being alive. Think about it, if something is worth doing, it’s also almost certainly worth celebrating!

So seize every excuse to celebrate. You woke up toda, why not have a tea party later, make some weight watcher cakes. You can read – you must be able to cos you’re reading this! So celebrate by buying yourself a good trashy novel. You ate when you were hungry yesterday so today eat something just because it tastes good even if you’re not hungry – food doesn’t rule you, you rule it. You didn’t lose weight this week, which means you must have choose to havea good time eating! You did lose weight this week which means you’re choosing to get your eating habits under control.

The next thing to decide is how will you celebrate! Remember celebrating does not have to be eating and drinking! It could mean you’ll set the table tonight and light a candle, even if you’re eating alone. Buy a single stem flower everyday when you pass the florist and collect them in a vase, when one dies you will replace it and have a never ending bunch of flowers. Send yourself a card through the post to remind yourself later in the week how marvellous you are or how well you’re doing. It’s not raining; celebrate by wearing a bright yellow t-shirt. You’ve got arms and legs, so dance around the house.

Robbie’s back with Take That, learn the words to their new song and make a video with your daughter of you singing it together!

You didn’t win the Euro, go and blow a tenner on something frivolous anyway ;-)

Celebrate what you have; it’s better than ending up old and cranky! I’d rather have a bad back and be in pain with a smile on my face than sorrow in my heart!

Find anything, any reason to celebrate and just do it.

Remember life starts now?

Are you living yet?

I am and today I’m celebrating the fact by having a massage and going to the theatre with my friends. Hell that’s what painkillers were invented for ;-)

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