Wednesday 20 October 2010

20th October 2010 todays facebook email

You can motivate players better with kind words than you can with a whip. Bud Wilkinson
Well I had a wonderful morning yesterday, 2 members got to goal, Lynne who lost 5 stone in exactly 12 months – WOW, that’s an average of just under 1.5lb a week, truly inspirational. And the other was my Sidney, bless him, he’s done so well and won’t mind me telling you he’s 72 and has lost almost 5 stone too, how fantastic. Both started as referral patients then bought the monthly pass to complete their journey and I know both will continue attending now they’ve achieved their goal because they know that’s how to stay there.
Both of these members have done amazingly well and I remember both having weeks where they gained or struggled, but instead of giving up they stuck with it. Success means changing the way you view a situation so instead of thinking “it’s impossible”, change your thought to “let’s find a way”, instead of accepting your bad habits and thinking “that’s just the way I am”, think “how can improve or change my behaviour?”
How many of you have at sometime thought or said to yourself, “I just can’t do it, it’s so hard”, or “there’s nothing I can do”, we probably all have at some time. However when you just change your thinking to “there’s always something I can do”, step by step, one change at a time you can succeed. Sometimes those changes will be short term rather than permanent but that’s ok, I know I try different activities to get me moving more because I get bored easily and apart from walking I’m not a huge exercise fan but I will try them all.
I know lots of members who think they are different and feel they find it harder than others, that their circumstances make it more difficult for them to lose weight and again I think we can all be guilty of feeling like that person at some time or maybe its true maybe your circumstances do make it more difficult for you to follow the plan. However we could all sit round and feel sorry for ourselves and wait for something to happen but change doesn’t happen when circumstances change; change happens when YOU decide to improve your circumstances.

So how do you make those changes, as I said one small step at a time, and the best way to do that is to communicate with yourself, get to know yourself, by knowing and understanding how you tick you can do all kinds of stuff.

Communicating with yourself is so important whether you do it out loud (be careful who’s watching) or silently (also known as thinking). A great deal of the thinking we do, we aren’t even aware of, nor do we pay much attention to it. But it is so important because it impacts greatly upon what we do, how we behave and the results we get. If you think you’re going to fail guess what’s most likely to happen? If you constantly think you will succeed and it’s going to be easy, what do you think the outcome will be?
I know before becoming a leader I worked in the corporate industry and worked my way up without really trying (then realised I didn’t want to). Every time I was asked to make a presentation to the board members or anyone to be honest, I used to immediately have the thought, “I hate making presentations, I can never remember what I’m supposed to say, I always look stupid”. So immediately I felt out of my depth and scared, I never got used to doing a presentation in all the years I worked there. Then I left to become a leader where I was having to do a 30 minute presentation in every meeting, the thought of which almost changed my mind because I honestly didn’t think I’d be able to cope, now look at me, I do 12 presentations a week and I love it, Monday I even forgot my notes and managed fine.

So you can change your life by changing your attitude and thinking differently.

It’s true that when you think differently, you feel differently, which means you behave differently and ultimately achieve different results.

By changing my thought pattern to, “maybe I could stand up and talk without going to pieces”, I got myself the best job in the world for me, I love it and I’ve never been happier in my work even with the thought of presenting!
So never forget “The most important person you will ever talk to is yourself!”
Remember life starts now?
Are you living yet?
You’re not alive unless you’re living!

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