Sunday 4 July 2010

July 4th facebook email

Anger will never leave you while thoughts of resentment are cherished in the mind, anger will disappear when thoughts of resentment are forgotten. Buddha

Happy Independence Day to all the Americans out there! Well I know there’s one anyway, have a great day Kath ;-)

Yesterday went so quickly, as always got up v. v. early, went for a massage then did some scrapbooking, then had half hour in garden with Alfie doing his training then reading my book before watching a film and having an early night because I’d been up so early! It was a good day though and I still cooked a lovely meal, the recipe is on my blog.

We got up again at stupid o’clock, was out, walked and back by 5am! I’m looking forward to today though, I’m off on a photography day course to learn to use my SLR camera properly, I can take good photos but I don’t understand all the buttons! So hopefully today I will learn everything I need to know to take even more great photos. Then I’ll be able to do more scrapbooking, which I have to say just swallows time, so if you’re looking for a distraction from food, it would sure help!

Here’s today’s habit changing tip;
Write Down Your Intention and Focus on it Every Day - To stay focused on your new choices, clearly and concisely write down exactly what you want your new behavior to look like. Carry a copy of that statement with you and tape it on objects like your mirror, the ceiling over your bed, the dashboard of your car, your desk or schoolbooks. Keep your new goals front and center.
Why should you write your intentions
Okay so you have you’ve joined Weight Watchers because you know you want to lose weight and your ready to get to your goal. You’re in the zone and say you really want to make it happen. You are full of enthusiasm and motivation and stand there smiling as you picture how great life will be once you succeed.

Then somehow, life happens and you realize that you have not progressed as quickly as you thought you would have. What could you have done differently to help you reach your goal? Write them down. Here are the reasons why.

Writing them down makes them more powerful
Saying that you want to do something in your mind is not powerful enough to make you do it. Creating intentions in our minds is a fairly simple act that most of us do many times each day both consciously and unconsciously but when we are motivated enough to put our goals on paper you are telling your subconscious, "I really want this to happen."

By writing down your intentions, you can clarify your thoughts
Sometimes we use our mind like a piece of notepaper to jot down random scattered thoughts. This is not how you want to treat your intentions. Lets face it; your mind is constantly full of other stuff, trivial everyday info. You can make your goals a priority by writing them down. This keeps them separate from all of the other stuff you have going on up there.

You have something in the physical world to remind you
Without putting your goals on paper; you run the risk of forgetting exactly what you wanted your goal to be and why you joined Weight Watchers in the first place. If may not happen immediately but believe me, time will pass, life will get in the way, and you’ll find yourself wondering why you didn’t stay focused on your weight loss. By writing down your goals they become part of your physical world. You can carry them round with you as a constant reminder.

Keeping a record of achievements to use as motivation
If you break your goal down into smaller goals, you create a record of your plan, you have evidence of your achievements. When you reach a goal, you look back at your writing and remember how it felt to write down your goals and how it feels now to have achieved them. This will create a powerful motivation technique for you to repeat the process again and again by writing down lists of new goals. For example, 7lb, 5%, 10%, 50lb certificate etc.

Writing down your goals makes you accountable
There is nothing that screams "DO IT!" more than reading your goals, you taped to your kitchen fridge, every morning when you get up. The physical evidence of your promise to yourself is staring you in the face reminding you to take action. If you don't take any action, you have to face them again tomorrow morning. If you do take action you can look at your words with confidence that you will work just as hard on achieving them today and you did yesterday.

Remember Life Starts NOW!

Are you living yet :-)

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