Wednesday 14 July 2010

July 14th Facebook email

How you think about a problem is more important than the problem itself – so always think positively. Norman Vincent Peale.

Wednesday already, where do the weeks go, I can’t believe we’re half way through July so soon!

Well yesterday I had the munchies, they started around 5pm and I mentally believed I was ravenous, I knew I wasn’t really hungry because I’d had such a large lunch. I have noticed if I have a carb heavy lunch that I do get hungry quickly, so maybe I should steer clear of pasta and other carbs in the day, or maybe its hormonal I’m not sure. Anyway, someone mentioned peanuts at the scales and I’d only just managed to get them out of my mind after craving them for a few days, so now the thought was back and that’s what I ended up having for my tea, a 90g bag of KP salted peanuts and they were delicious for 9.5pts! So my day ended on 28pts but I had earnt 5pts on my pedometer so I’m chuffed because I also had 3 Weight Watchers bars. As you can see my tracker was not the healthiest of choices yesterday but it was the most satisfying and I got to get the peanuts out of my system, if I’d bought them before work I wouldn’t have eaten the bars or the lollipop!

So how’s your week progressing, my members lost a staggering 176lb yesterday which is just fabulous, congratulations if some of that was yours.

Here’s today’s habit changing tip;

Create Your Own Affirmations - Reinforce your desires, goals, and commitments by creating a short, inspiring statement that is positive and captures the feeling of well-being you want to achieve from your new habit. Throughout the day, say your affirmation aloud with exuberance. As you do, be sure to deeply feel what you are saying as being true for you.

The Top 10 Tips to Begin the Practice of Positive Affirmations

Positive Affirmations are things we say to ourselves that build us up and make us strong. They empower us to take chances and to be our best. Thoughts run through our mind thousands of times a day and are often negative. Making positive affirmations a daily practice gives you a powerful tool to strengthen your inner foundation and follow your bliss.

Get over feeling funny.
- Doing something new takes practice and because it is unfamiliar it might feel funny at first.
- Get over it. So often, it doesn't feel funny to talk negatively to ourselves, but praise feels awkward. Just do it and don't worry if it feels funny. In time, you will feel less and less awkward.

Begin your affirmation with "I."
- The more you personalize what you say the more it will hit home and stick.

Put your affirmation in the present tense.
- Keeping the statement in the present will give it more power. Avoid can, will, could or should in your statements.

Make it short and sweet.
- Make the affirmation meaningful to you. If affirmations are too long, you may find it cumbersome or difficult to say on a regular basis. Longer affirmations work well during meditative moments.

- Teaching our inner voice to speak well to us takes some practice. For most people it is an under developed muscle. Practice and your affirming voice will become stronger.

Clear vision.
- Hold a clear vision of what is possible for you in your life. Picture yourself absorbing the positive affirmations as they become a part of you.

Write it down.
- Writing down the positive affirmations helps your mind remember the new statements.

Repeat them often.
- Repetition facilitates learning. The more often you say positive affirmations the more they become a part of you.

Make them fun.
- Enjoy yourself with them. Laugh and hold out a sense of lightness.

Remember to be gentle.
- Remember that the more you nourish and cherish yourself the better able you are to live a life you love. Be patient and loving as you learn something new.

Here are a few affirmations to start with:

I love myself.
I have a beautiful figure.
I listen with love to my body’s message.
I deserve the best and I accept the best now.
I can see the me I want to be.
I am slim, trim, and lead a healthy lifestyle.
I know that I count and I act as if I do.
The quality of my life depends only on me.
I am powerful and I love it.

Remember Life Starts NOW!

Are you living yet :-)

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