Sunday 11 July 2010

Backing up my pc... Got quite emotional!

I'm just sorting through and backing up my computer and finding out some documents to email someone and I came across a letter sent to me last year and it's made me quite emotional. I love my job, it's so rewarding seeing people change, but to be thanked is just the icing on the cake and the letter below written by one of my members makes me tearful everytime I read it because she was an inspiration to me, I admired her determination and persistance and never ending smile ;)


We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. ~ Winston Churchill

I just wanted to put down a few words to try to explain just how grateful I am for all the support you have given me over the past few years. It is important for me that you realise the enormity of the impact you have made on my life. When I first walked into your Weight Watchers meeting, I was probably at the lowest point in my life. I was in my mid twenties with a good job and my own home, yet what should have been the best time of my life was, in truth, the most miserable.

When I first stepped on the scales at that first meeting I was 22 stone 2 and a half pounds. Far from looking at me with the horror I expected, you reassured me that I could change, and made what seemed an impossible challenge suddenly seem achievable.

Over the years you have celebrated my success and consoled my disappointments, but through all of this you never gave up believing that I could do it. You did more than give me practical advice on weight loss, you made me believe that I deserved to be the person I wanted to be and empowered me to make the choices I needed to ensure that happened. Your magic is not just in your knowledge of diet and exercise but in your holistic approach to each person’s individual goals. You made me realise that eating the right food is only half the battle and that I had to learn to understand and like myself before I could succeed.

My life now bears no resemblance to the one I had before, in fact I don’t even recognise the person I used to be, physically or emotionally. When I was 22 stone I would never have believed I could be as happy and confident as I am now. This Christmas there will be no tears because I can’t find anything to wear, no avoiding having my photo taken, no feeling like the fattest person at the party; I will be donning my party frock and heels with the best of them and showing off the results of my hard work!

So, I leave you, 10 and a half stone lighter and 110% happier than I was when this journey first began. I could never ever begin to pay back the support you have given me. There are very few people who can truthfully say that they have changed someone’s life, but you have changed mine.

Thank you

Bek xxx

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