Thursday 8 July 2010

8th July 2010 facebook email

The secret of getting ahead, is getting started. Sally Berger

135lb lost yesterday, it never fails to make me smile when I add up the weight loss, I’m always so proud of everyone.

Well I was up at just after half four this morning and I’ve realised it’s not just because of Alfie that I’m waking, it’s because I’m waking full stop! At least I don’t feel tired and I’m making a conscious effort to get to bed a bit earlier because of it.

Yesterday I realised something you write in jest can be taken totally the opposite way! When people can’t hear you saying the words and see your face then they can read all sorts of things into it that weren’t meant. It’s reminded me to think before I type in future or better still write nothing at all! ;-!

Roast vegetables were the main theme in my meals yesterday, I had veggies in the fridge that were about to go off so I roasted them all, had them with a Jacket Sweet potato for lunch and some Philadelphia light then for tea I had a ham and roast veggie toastie which was surprisingly very nice.

Here’s today’s habit changing tip;

Observe Your Attitude - Your attitude plays a huge role in your success. Are you determined and excited about moving ahead with your new goal, or are you resentful and easily demoralized? Are you eager to be on this new path of self-development, or do you see this as an overwhelming chore? The more you face the task with anticipation, expecting a good result, the more successful you will be.
Paying attention to what you think means that you’re practicing the art of self-observation. You can catch that inner voice as it speaks to you. What is it saying? Is it helpful or not? Learn to recognize your inner critical voice.

At first you may notice your inner critic talking after its happened, you are likely to hear it saying something like, “You did it again, your hopeless, why can’t you just say no!”

So whenever you hear that voice saying anything negative about you, congratulation yourself for noticing because that means you’re making progress because in the past you would have listened to that negative inner dialogue and not even have noticed it.

After a time you will be able to realise it’s about to start talking and you can shut it up before it gets chance, whenever I caught my inner critic about to give me a hard time, I’d reply “I’m only human and I’m doing my best – so shut up!”

Eventually, with a lot of practice, you won’t even give your inner critic change to think about saying anything! Instead you make a positive comment such as, “I enjoyed my overindulgence now I’m going to enjoy eating healthy for the rest of the week”, remember slip-ups are ok, mistakes are good because you can learn from them. Anyone who’s never made a mistake – never did anything!

When you listen to your inner dialogue and choose the more positive and realistic attitude you become a resilient person. Remember: Attitude is the key to resiliency.

Remember Life Starts NOW!

Are you living yet :-)

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