Monday 5 July 2010

5th July facebook email

Whoever acts with respect will get respect. Mevlana Rumi

Well Alfie woke me up at 3.30am! But I managed to go back to sleep once he’d been up the garden, so got another 2 hours which I’m very glad off as I feel a bit tired this morning, obviously an early night and 8 hours doesn’t suit me!

So another week begins, we are already half way through the year, I seriously can’t believe how quickly this year is going. The weekends just fly by, I had a lovely day yesterday at Shugborough hall learning to use my SLR camera, which I’ve had for about 3 years and never found out what all the buttons do. But now I know I can play around and take even more photos and scrapbook even more of them ;) All keeps me busy.

I’m not feeling confident about my weigh in today, although I haven’t been really bad, I haven’t been really good either! Yesterday lunch was provided and it was quite huge and was rounded off with a scone and clotted cream – not the best timing for being weighed today. Hey ho, there’s always next week, neither the scales nor me are going anywhere and I’ve really enjoyed cooking again this week, so at least I’m getting healthier and enjoying what I’m eating.

Here’s today’s habit changing tip;

Observe Your Attitude - Your attitude plays a huge role in your success. Are you determined and excited about moving ahead with your new goal, or are you resentful and easily demoralized? Are you eager to be on this new path of self-development, or do you see this as an overwhelming chore? The more you face the task with anticipation, expecting a good result, the more successful you will be.

Try thinking differently! If you’re saying that you want to lose weight, what you are really saying is that you want to be healthier. Becoming healthier begins in the mind. If you say to yourself, “I am changing myself into a healthier person each and every day with my choices,” you are telling your subconscious mind that you are choosing healthier foods and taking action to improve your health.
Thinking in a different way is a great way to help you lose weight. We become our thoughts; they control who we are and what we do. If we continuously think about how much we love and appreciate our bodies, we will begin to make the choices that reflect these thoughts. Our choices will begin create a new reality for us. We will no longer be the person who enjoys eating foods that are unhealthy and lacking in nutrition; we will become the person who wants to make wiser food choices to give our body the nutrition and energy it needs to make us feel good. Once our desires change, losing weight will not feel like a continuous uphill battle but a wonderful weight loss journey.

Remember Life Starts NOW!

Are you living yet :-)

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