Thursday 29 July 2010

29th July 2010

If in our daily lives we can smile, if we can be peaceful and happy, not only we, but everyone will profit from it. Thich Nhat Hanh

Well with a name like Thich Nhat Hanh, you’d have to smile wouldn’t you! I’m sticking with the happy theme again this week, because when you’re happy it’s easier to lose weight! So today’s happy tip is to become positively aware.

Pick up some happy-making positive energy by trying the following;
- Be on the lookout for anything of a positive nature such as a person’s smile as you walk along the street.
- Listen for uplifting words; what effect do they have on you and others around you.
- Watch people’s body language and look for those who walk tall with a spring in their step.
- Notice how some people can override a negative comment and ignore a potential put-down.
- Work on turning a negative into a positive, for example if its raining outside remind yourself a rainy day makes a sunny day all that much more enjoyable.

If you focus on the positive energy around you, your mood will lift higher and higher. It’s not a coincidence that I’m happier more often than I’m not, its something to do with all the positive books and the inspiring quotes I read.

Sometimes we get caught up in the moment, in the mood, in our thoughts and they can bring us down, for example yesterday when I arrived at my meeting, I’d not only forgotten all the member cards but the cash tins too! You can imagine it can’t you, I was cussing and letting my negative mind take over when all of a sudden my shop girl said, “happy, happy, happy remember” and I started to laugh realising in the scheme of things it really wasn’t important! So if we all have that thought whenever something goes wrong or we slip up with our weight loss efforts, the journey becomes so much easier.

Have a happy, happy, happy, day – remember ;-)

Remember Life Starts NOW!

Are you living yet :-)

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