Sunday 18 July 2010

18th July 2010 - facebook email

A diet is the penalty for exceeding the feed limit! Unknown

So it’s Sunday, a great time to relax and contemplate all that is life and how wonderful you really are no matter what you weigh!

Here’s something I came across this weekend that I think proves how utterly phenomenal you really are, read it and let it sink in, better still, click the link at the bottom close your eyes and listen to the music and the man saying it all out loud, its fantastic and so are you.

The Miracle is YOU!

When you were first conceived you were a double strand of DNA in a fertilised ovary, dividing 50 times you had over 100 trillion cells more than all the stars in the Milky Way. Then you were born into existence. Each of your cells do over 6 trillion things per second, just think how a human body knows how to kill germs, digest, make babies and talk – all at the same time!

The miracle is YOU.

Your heart beats 101,000 times per day, during your life it will beat three hundred million times. Each day you take 23,000 breathes, your blood travels 60,000 miles per day on it's journey through your body. 25 million cells are being produced in your body every second. You’ll blink at least 15,000 times today.

The miracle is YOU.

Your brain has about 100 billion nerve cells, if all your DNA was stretched it would reach the moon 6,000 times. You shed 600,000 particles of skin each hour. Your bones are four times stronger than concrete. Your eyes can distinguish up to one million colour surfaces and can take in more information than the largest telescope in the world. Your lungs inhale over 2 million litres of air daily.

When you touch anything a message is sent to your brain at 124mph. Your skin consists of up to 280,000 heat receptors. The length of your blood vessels would circle the globe 2½ times. You have the ability to distinguish over 10,000 different smells and your tongue has over 10,000 taste buds.

The miracle is YOU.

So listen to the music, just listen to the deep inside. There are universes dancing inside your body. There are sunsets shining in your heart. There are symphonies playing inside your toes, rivers of blood effortlessly flows. There is a full moon beaming in your bellybutton. There is a cool breeze blowing in your lungs. There is a gentle rain that falls from your eyes. There is an army of love in every step. There is love-making in your every motion, in your body devotion.

The miracle is YOU.

So realise, visualise, it’s all inside – the galaxy of amazement.

Should you ever forget, just close your eyes and…

Listen to the music.

Just listen to the music, deep inside.

Here’s today’s habit changing tip;

See your striving as part of the big picture - deciding to adopt a healthy habit is part of the larger framework of your life. The work you put into hitting your target will help you build the strength, wisdom, and power to attain this goal as well as greater accomplishments. The path to your goal is as important as the goal itself.

Remember Life Starts NOW!

Are you living yet :-)

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