Monday 28 June 2010

You talking to me?

Everyday I send my Weight Watcher members an email via facebook, some however don't have an account so this blog is a way of them being able to read the content of that email. Todays was as follows.

Talk to yourself!


Because it’s the only way you can guarantee what’s said, and you get to listen to what you want to hear!

Think about it, have you ever been caught talking to yourself in a supermarket and you turn around and say, “I’m talking to myself”, and the other person responds, “It’s the only way you get the answer you want!” Well they’re right – it is.

Seriously affirmations are the most amazing way of convincing yourself you are changing. How did you learn your 12 times table? Most of us by repetition until it was programmed into our minds and we never forgot it, although I have to admit I never could get it quite right! Obviously because I didn’t repeat it enough – too impatient see.

Did you know it’s impossible to think two things at the same time? I know if you’re a woman you’re probably thinking, ‘well I can do two things at the same time – I multitask all the time’, but trust me, the things you multitask are things that you do automatically, and you don’t need to think about them. You try giving directions to someone whilst writing a letter; it’s impossible without stopping one to do the other.

Here’s another challenge - try smiling and feeling unhappy – that’s impossible too! False smiles don’t count.

Not convinced? Then try this experiment: Think about the taste of chocolate (that heavenly rich texture, the satisfying, sweet flavour, melting in your mouth) at the exact same time as you add 35 and 87. At the same time - it’s impossible, you can interchange the two thoughts, but you can’t actually think about both things at the same time. I know which one I’d rather think about!

So where am I going with this. Well, apparently our brains have over 50,000 thoughts a day and as thoughts become things, I’ve learnt to choose good ones. That’s what I’m suggesting you do and affirmations are a great way of helping you to do that.

What are Affirmations?

An affirmation is a positive statement written, thought or spoken, that you repeat to yourself. It’s a declaration that something is true - affirmations send positive messages to your brain to help re-train your thoughts. Your mind believes everything you think – so just think about that for a moment, would you rather your brain hear, “I’m hopeless, I’ll never do it”, or “I’m amazing, can I be any better”. I know I’d rather hear encouraging words from others, so it makes sense to encourage ourselves too.

Today’s affirmation could be
The summers making me slimmer!

Or an affirmation for any day could be one of the following;

I’m becoming the me I want to be.
Everyday I’m becoming slimmer and healthier.
I choose to eat healthy at every opportunity.

Make your own up if you don’t like those. Mine has always been, “Everyday I’m healthy and happy.”

Remember Life Starts NOW!

Are you living yet :-)

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