Monday 28 June 2010

Yay I lost weight ;-)

It's almost lunchtime and I've done a meeting this morning and got weighed I lost 2.5lb so that's the 1.5lb gone that I gained last week and an extra pound - whoop whoop. I'm really chuffed, I weigh 11st 1lb so that's 7lb lost and another 9lb to go to get back to my goal weight which I'd like done for September as I've got a Weight Watchers leaders conference.

I'm just about to make lunch, I've decided to make Scrambled Egg and Turkey Rasher Pitta Pocket - makes 2 = 4pts each

2 medium pitta bread 4pts
3 slices turkey rashers 1pts
2 eggs 2½pts
2 medium tomato(s), de-seeded & chopped
pinch of salt & pepper
1 teaspoon fresh chives, snipped
1 teaspoon polyunsaturated margarine ½pts

Lightly toast the pitta bread; then wrap it in foil to keep warm.
Heat a small non-stick saucepan. Dry-fry the rashers pieces and cut into pieces. Melt the margarine in the saucepan and lightly scramble the egg, until just beginning to set. Return the bacon to the saucepan, with the tomato and chives and gently fold the mixture together. Season well. Spoon the egg mixture into the warm pitta bread and serve immediately.

Might add some extra pepper, cucumber and spring onions to it to bulk it out and serve with some lettuce.

The sunshine helps, when its nice and bright outside I feel better, I think most people do. Except maybe Alfie who's not impressed at all.

I've been drooling over the new iphone this morning but as yet am still not sure whether I want one or not, would I use it as much as I think I would! I've just finished my contract on my iphone and think it might be easier just to pay the cheaper tariff for now.

Anyway I'm off to cook lunch.

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