Wednesday 30 June 2010

Have you ever noticed

that someday's just go wrong! I'm having on of those morning where everythings going wrong, trying to do my paperwork and I can't find the credit card reports so I've now got to go to last nights venue on my way to my next meeting to go through the bin! Nice. Lots of other silly things too, nothing huge just enough to slow my morning down and make it difficult. The trick when this happens is to remind yourself its really not important enough to get wound up. I remind myself that yesterday was wonderful and nothing in my life has changed since then so this is just a slight irritation that can be rectified and really isn't worth getting wound up over!

Just go with the flow, except the ups and downs, that's life and it's fab even when its poo! Whatever kind of life you have, it's always better than the alternative wouldn't you agree?

A great book to read to help you appreciate this is The Tao of Pooh by Benjamin Hoff, you can get it for a couple of pounds on Amazon

After reading this book I realised I loved the Pooh bear he's super cool and his wisdom knows no bounds.

You gotta smile as I'm typing this one of my helpers has just rang to say she's not well and won't be able to help today or tomorrow. Poor things on her way to hospital with lung problems, which makes my lack of staff problem not really a problem!

The wisdom of Pooh -
"A little Consideration, a little Thought for Others, makes all the difference.”

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